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For information, complaints and everything else about this site, feel free to contact: webmaster@BDsoft.de.

Legal information

The server of this site is located in Germany. This makes some more information for German users necessary, which can be found in the imprint and the data protection statement.

Remarks for Webmaster

If you want to link www.BDsoft.de (or www.BDsoft.net) on your own homepage (what we would really appreciate...), use one of the banners shown below or simple text, please.

You may also just include a link to the banner in your source code, so you do not have to copy the images into your web space. The links, necessary for linking to the images, are given below each banner.

We strongly recommend to link to a directory instead of linking a single file. So please use "http://www.BDsoft.de/" instead of "http://www.BDsoft.de/index.htm".

Any changes to a banner must not be published without our explicit permission. We reserve the right to provide any new banners as official banners on this page, mentioning the name of the creator.

Banner 01

© by BD


Banner 02

© by BD


Banner 03

© by BD



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